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The University of Texas at San Antonio provides a Tier One education from each of its 9 academic colleges which offer degree programs that are designed to foster and encourage the discovery of new knowledge and innovation.

Colleges and Schools

Carlos Alvarez College of Business

The Carlos Alvarez College of Business is one of the 40 largest business schools in the nation and offers a comprehensive curriculum at the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral level that expands the boundaries of a traditional business education.

Education & Human Development

The College of Education and Human Development provides first-rate educational opportunities and fosters groundbreaking educational research in order to promote educators and professionals in human development fields.

Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

The Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design is a multidisciplinary college focused on identifying and solving grand challenges where humanity intersects the physical world through hands-on, experiential learning.

Liberal & Fine Arts

The College of Liberal and Fine Arts showcases creativity and critical engagement in a wide range of disciplines. COLFA’s faculty and students are artists, performers, writers, linguists, archaeologists, historians, and much more.

Health, Community and Policy

Formed in 2020, The College for Health, Community and Policy contains nine academic disciplines. The college was created because these important areas all inform one another – for example, public policy is directly affected by public health, criminology and criminal justice, psychology, and more.


The College of Sciences is research-focused in the field of sciences and mathematics. The college advances scientific literacy through excellence in education and community outreach, conducting cutting-edge research and establishing partnerships to enhance scientific competence at all levels.

University College

The University College’s functions as the hub of the university by promoting student-centered learning through academic excellence and a dynamic, engaged curriculum. The college provides students with lifelong tools for academic inquiry, advancement, and leadership in local and global communities.

School of Data Science

UTSA’s School of Data Science answers the national call for a highly skilled workforce to fill growing needs in cybersecurity, data analytics, business intelligence and digital asset management.

Honors College

The Honors College provides an experiential approach for hardworking, achievement-oriented students. This experience helps students from all majors become leaders, develop as professionals, and intellectually achieve beyond coursework.

Mark Sixma