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Da'Shawn OzunaDa’Shawn Ozuna ’20

Communication & Global Affairs
Lake Jackson, TX

Student Letter

Hey there! My name is Da’Shawn Ozuna and I’m majoring in Communications and Global Affairs. From an early age, I always knew the importance of pursuing higher education. I was raised in a single parent household where my mother always instilled in me the mentality to work hard no matter how difficult a situation may get. That mindset has carried me through everything in life and has been especially beneficial in college.

Being a first generation student from a small town, I didn’t know what to expect from college. When I first stepped on campus, I saw the diversity of the university and it excited me. I quickly made friends from many different places and the multicultural experiences that followed helped shape my worldview in a way that I couldn’t have done on my own.

UTSA presented me with endless opportunities to develop both personally and professionally.
During my freshman year, I was given the chance to be a resident assistant at University Oaks. This experience was priceless as it allowed me to be heavily involved on campus and also be a resource to incoming students. Being an RA led me to my current job as an ambassador for the UTSA Welcome Center. In this leadership role, I introduce new students and their families to the university and give campus tours.

UTSA provides multiple outlets that will help you feel welcome on campus. Whether it’s on a campus tour from the Welcome Center, at Orientation where you’ll be introduced to your future peers, or when classes start and you discover interesting social clubs that range from Greek life to intramural sports. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what your background is, I’m confident you’ll feel welcome and find your place at UTSA—just like I did when I first became a Roadrunner.

See you on campus!

Mark Sixma