Sara Abualfateh ’23
Damascus, Syria
Microbiology & Immunology
Sara Abualfateh saw everything she wanted in her college experience at UTSA. “I’ve always wanted to have a fun college experience, but at the same time I was looking for a good-sized program, so I was very interested.” She moved to San Antonio two years ago to attend UTSA and has since thrived.
Sara participated in the Najim Strategist Program, a new opportunity where students can collaborate with their peers and work to solve real-world problems for local companies. The experience gave Sara the professional development she was seeking. “It gave me insight on real life problems and ways to approach them as well as how to work with a group on solving those problems together.”
The Najim Project isn’t the only way Sara gets involved at UTSA. She’s part of the Muslim Student Association where muslim students come together at various events and socials. She’s also involved with the re-establishment of the student organization Students of Justice for Palestine.
After Sara graduates, she hopes to further her education in graduate school, and find a career in research.