We’re not in Kansas anymore.
Starting college is like stepping into a new and uncharted world. In it, you’ll nurture a greater sense of responsibility and freedom. You’ll make your own schedule, choose your own classes and manage all the obligations competing for your time and attention.
We’re not going to lie, there are some noticeable differences between high school and college. You’ll have to take responsibility for your own education and learn how to learn on your own. Critical thinking and analytical skills won’t just be encouraged; they’ll be required.
The expectations are greater, but you’ll find plenty of support at UTSA. One of the most obvious places you can turn to for help is your professors. They’re experts in their fields and are there to offer guidance and help you succeed. All you have to do is introduce yourself after a class or show up during an office hour and that alone could be the start of an influential mentorship. Read on to learn more about our amazing professors and the advice they have to offer students.
“Even if you don’t see it in the beginning, you have so much potential. It’s just there waiting to be discovered,” said chemistry professor Dr. Aguilar.
Professor Sweet, Finance
Professor Sweet leaves no student behind. Instead of a traditional, you’ll often find him in the Financial Studies Center helping students use Bloomberg terminals to calculate the risk of a Fortune 500 company. He believes hands-on experience is one of the best ways to help students prepare for their careers.
He’s worked closely with many financial firms and has cultivated a professional alumni network. These alumni connections are made up of Wall Street professionals who are known to take current UTSA students out to lunch in NYC and give them pointers in the industry.
“Firms are looking for people who are curious. How do you show curiosity? You’re doing things related to your discipline outside of class. Employers take notice when you’re involved,” said Professor Sweet.
Professor Shaw-Tillmon, Freshman Composition
Professor Shaw-Tillmon wouldn’t want to teach anywhere else. She loves serving nontraditional and first-gen student populations at UTSA because it feels impactful and rewarding. She also finds that Roadrunners are diligent students who value their degree and will work hard to be successful.
Professor Shaw-Tillmon recommends communicating with professors using a professional tone and voice because it will help you communicate your ideas and correct simple errors. She encourages students in her classes to hone their writing skills because it’s important in nearly every discipline.
“College is a lot of work, but it’s absolutely worth it and you will survive. College can be a huge learning curve, but you will figure it out, and you have people standing by who will support you.”
See the full issue below!