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Get to Know Alex

Alex Martinez is a first-generation Roadrunner with a passion for his major and a drive to develop his professional skills. The Statistics and Data Science program is what led Alex to choose UTSA, and he’s been excited about the program ever since. “I enjoy the coding aspect of my major. I find it fun to hop on a coding platform and work with data.”

In the Spotlight

A Najim Strategist

Alex also participated in the Najim Strategist Program, a new initiative to help UTSA students gain professional development and collaborate with their peers. “I think the biggest benefit [of the Najim Strategist Program] was gaining experience outside my field of statistics. My major is very broad, and it can be used in basically any field, so it’s good to learn something new and incorporate what I know into that field.”

Professional Development

The Najim Center isn’t the only place Alex is developing his professional skills. He’s also a part of the UTSA Statistics Club. He started as a member but has worked his way up to become the club’s President! His involvement in the club has been an important part of his time at UTSA. “It’s helped prepare me for my future by giving me knowledge of different fields I could apply my major to.”

Alex is just one of many first-generation students at UTSA who are taking advantage of great opportunities to build their bold future.

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