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Get to Know Devin

In UTSA’s Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence program, Devin connected with scholars and professionals within the artificial intelligence domain. These interactions enhanced his career and expanded his professional network. His program’s emphasis on experiential learning equipped him with the practical skills and insights he needed for a successful future in AI.

In the Spotlight

Making Connections with a Mentor

Devin began volunteering with Dr. Yongcan Cao when he was an undergraduate student in the Klesse College of Engineering. Cao immediately saw White’s potential and encouraged him to apply for one of 10 undergraduate research positions available to support an AI-based Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.

While pursuing his master’s in artificial intelligence, Devin was invited by Cao to lead a project on human-guided machine learning funded by the Army Research Lab. As Cao explains, “[Devin] has done remarkable work, and I am always impressed by his attitude, ambition, teamwork and eagerness to take new challenges.”

Devin in front of robotic hand using a laptop

UTSA's Artificial Intelligence Master’s Degree

Gaining Research Experience

Devin’s primary research paper “Rating-based Reinforcement Learning” was accepted into the 2023 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). Devin traveled to Hawaii to network with fellow scholars and present his research. He says, “I’m so grateful to have had this experience, and it is one that I will always remember.”

In the future, Devin hopes to develop real-world systems that help people make better decisions or discover new things they like based on online ratings. Because of UTSA’s commitment to networking, hands-on experience and faculty expertise, Devin was able to launch his career in AI immediately after graduation.

Devin White outside on campus
“This was my first experience with AI in practice, and I instantly knew it was something I wanted to pursue as a career.”
Devin White '23

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