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Get to Know Jessica

Jessica Le graduated from UTSA in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in information systems and cyber security plus a minor in digital forensics. Since graduation, her career has been focused on protecting the sensitive data of the world’s biggest companies and inspiring future generations of women.

In the Spotlight

Making Connections with Faculty

Jessica grew up knowing that she had an interest in technology but also feeling that being a woman put her in the minority. After transferring to UTSA, she found female faculty who modeled success in technology-driven careers and encouraged her to pursue the career she wanted. She met two faculty members who were women in technology, and they helped fuel her passion for technology.

Getting Involved on Campus

Jessica took the initiative to get involved in student organizations on campus. She was a leader in the Association for Computing Machinery – Women’s Chapter, which helps advocate for young women in technology. She says that her involvement in student organizations helped her become a better leader to her team and also learn how to mentor others within this industry.

Jessica took advantage of UTSA’s academic resources for student success. The UTSA Career Center helped her build a resume and prepare for internships and job interviews. With UTSA’s support, she landed an internship with Chevron and later a full-time job with them after graduation.

UTSA Student Jessica

UTSA Cyber Security Bachelor's Degree

Forging a Family Legacy

Jessica is a first-generation college graduate in her family. Her parents immigrated to the United States from Vietnam in the 1980s. They made a long and difficult journey to give Jessica and her siblings valuable opportunities, and Jessica is grateful to be making her parents proud. Now, as a parent herself, she works hard to be an inspiration to her daughter. She hopes that her daughter will go to college and pursue a career that will help her succeed in life.

Inspiring Future Generations

As a Forensic Investigator at Zoom, Jessica gets to see the importance and impact of her work every day. As part of her job, it is crucial for her to protect sensitive data and intellectual properties for businesses and individuals. Even more importantly, Jessica uses her career to inspire her own daughter and all women to be bold.

Jessica Le
“It is important for me to be a role model for my daughter but also for other young women who share the same interest in cyber security.”
Jessica Le '18

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