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Get to Know Kristian

Meet Kristian, a computer science major at UTSA and a business owner.

Kristian first came to UTSA because of its close proximity to home as well as the great reputation of the computer science program. She soon grew to appreciate the university for other reasons as well. “Everyone’s very friendly…[it feels] like a big family here,” she says. There are also many ways to enjoy campus, which she believes is part of UTSA’s charm. “If I want to study in a quiet place, I have a place to study…If I want to hang out with my friends, [I can].”

In the Spotlight

Another benefit of UTSA’s campus is the many ways to get involved. Kristian is part of Advanced Robotics at UTSA, an interest she found in her high school robotics team. She is also a work-study student with the Academic Strategic Communications Department, where she not only earns money to help pay for her education but also gets real-life work experience as she assists with building and editing their websites.

Even outside campus, Kristian has been able to explore other interests thanks to UTSA resources. Kristian runs her own baking business, Crumbs Viennoiserie, which she is able to easily manage and promote thanks to her free access to Adobe Creative Cloud as a UTSA student.

Adobe Creative Cloud has helped me develop marketing skills, graphic design, and advertising [skills].

After graduation, Kristian plans on making her own programming startup company and creating a security software.

From student organizations to something as simple as software access, Kristian is just one example of the many ways UTSA can help students grow and shape their future.

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