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Why Pursue a Master's Degree in Bilingual Education

This interdisciplinary degree advances understanding of urban education, applied linguistics in bilingual settings, and multicultural children’s literature. Grounded in social justice, the program of study incorporates theory and research related to effective bilingual/dual language education.

Este título universitario interdisciplinario promueve la comprensión de la educación urbana, la lingüística aplicada en entornos bilingües y la literatura infantil multicultural. Informado por la justicia social, el estudio de esta carrera incorpora teorías e investigaciones relacionadas con la educación bilingüe/dual efectivas.

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Admission & Application Requirements

Applications are submitted through the UTSA Graduate Application. Please upload all required documents (listed below) on your UTSA Graduate Application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure completion and submission of the application, a nonrefundable application fee, and all required supporting documents are on file with UTSA by the appropriate application deadline.

Bicultural / Bilingual Education (MA)
Required Degree Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university in the United States or have proof of equivalent training at a foreign institution.
Minimum GPA 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) Departments may consider GPA of last 60 semester credit hours
Coursework Completed adequate credit hours or foreign institution equivalent coursework as preparation for the program.
Transcripts* Required from all institutions attended; international transcripts must be recorded/translated to English
Credential Evaluation Required if you have earned university-level credit from foreign institutions. Submit an evaluation of your transcripts from Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) directly from the graduate admission application platform
English Language Proficiency 550 TOEFL Paper / 79 TOEFL Internet / 6.5 IELTS / Duolingo 100
*Unofficial transcripts will be taken into consideration for admissions; however, if admitted into the program, you must submit official transcripts to the University.
Apply 2024-25 Application Apply 2025-26 Application

Application Deadlines

Applicants are encouraged to have their admission file completed as early as possible. All applications, required documents and letters of recommendation, if applicable, must be submitted by 5:00 PM U.S. Central Time on the day of the deadline. Deadlines are subject to change.

Bicultural / Bilingual Education (MA)
Timing on Admission Decision: Completed applications will be reviewed for admission on a rolling basis. Decisions generally will be made and sent to applicants within 4 to 6 weeks of receiving the application.
Application Deadlines for: Priority International Domestic
Spring 2025 October 1 December 1
Summer 2025 March 1 May 1
Fall 2025 June 1 August 1
Spring 2026 October 1 December 1
Summer 2026 March 1 May 1

Funding Opportunities


Career Options

UTSA prepares you for future careers that are in demand. The possible careers below is data pulled by a third-party tool called Emsi, which pulls information from sources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, online job postings, other government databases and more to give you regional and national career outlook related to this academic program.

Courses for the Degree Include:

BBL 5113 Theoretical Foundations and Legislative Policies in Bicultural-Bilingual Education
BBL 5033 Critical Pedagogies in Bilingual/Bicultural Content Instruction
BBL 5063 Biliteracy in Bilingual and ESL Programs
BBL 6043 Advanced Topics in Bilingual and Dual-Language Education

For a full list of courses needed for our degree, please visit the Graduate Catalog Website.


Cursos para el título universitario, incluyen:

BBL 5113 Fundamentos teóricos y políticas legislativas en la educación bicultural-bilingüe
BBL 5033 Pedagogías críticas en la instrucción de materias bilingües/biculturales
BBL 5063 Alfabetización bilingüe en programas bilingües y de ESL
BBL 6043 Temas avanzados en la educación bilingüe/dual

Para obtener una lista completa de los cursos necesarios para nuestro título de maestría, visite el sitio web del catálogo de graduados.

How long is the program?
The program is 30 semester credit hours (10 classes). Our program was designed to be completed in four semesters for full-time students and five semesters for part-time students. This projection includes summer coursework.

When are classes usually offered?
Our courses in the fall and spring semesters are offered in the evenings from 6:00-8:45 pm, Mon – Thurs. Students meet in their classes once a week for each course. Some of these courses are online or hybrid.

How much will the program cost?
The cost of tuition at UTSA is charged by semester credit hour(s). The cost of tuition will vary by how many semester credit hours you will register in each semester. Please visit UTSA’s Fiscal Services website or contact Fiscal Services for more information.

Are students required to complete a thesis?
The UT system requires a comprehensive exam for each student to graduate from our programs. Students in our program may select one of the following options for their comprehensive experience: a written and oral exam, a thesis, or a special project.


¿Cuánto dura el programa?
El programa abarca 30 horas de crédito semestrales (10 clases). Nuestro programa fue diseñado para completarse en cuatro semestres para estudiantes de tiempo completo y cinco semestres para estudiantes de medio tiempo. Esta proyección incluye cursos de verano.

¿A qué horas suelen ofrecerse las clases?
Nuestros cursos en los semestres de otoño y primavera se ofrecen por la noche de 6:00 a 8:45 p. m., de lunes a jueves. Los estudiantes se reúnen en sus clases una vez por semana para cada curso. Algunos de estos cursos son en línea o híbridos (en persona + en línea).

¿Cuánto costará el programa?
El costo de la matrícula en UTSA se taza por hora(s) de crédito semestral. El costo de la colegiatura variará según la cantidad de horas de crédito semestrales en que se registre cada semestre. Visite el sitio web de Servicios Fiscales de UTSA o comuníquese con Servicios Fiscales para obtener más información.

¿Es obligatorio que los estudiantes completen una tesis?
El sistema universitario de Texas requiere un examen terminal para que el/la estudiante se gradúe de nuestros programas. Los cursantes de nuestros programas de maestría pueden seleccionar de las siguientes opciones para su experiencia final: un examen escrito y oral, una tesis o un proyecto especial.

Graduate Advisor of Record

Jorge Solis, PhD


Trinity Brown

Student Development Specialist

Trinity Brown

(210) 458-2721
Mark Sixma