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Get to Know Sophie

Sophie Gomez is a Political Science major aiming for a bold future as a lawyer. She’s heavily involved on campus as an Orientation Leader and through student organizations, which is providing her with skills that she can use in law school and beyond.

In the Spotlight

Choosing a Bold Future

Sophie has known she wanted to attend law school since she was a senior in high school, which ultimately led her to choose political science for her major. Though she hasn’t decided what aspect of law she wants to specialize in as a lawyer, she’s shown an interest in criminal justice law as well as medical malpractice law.

Getting Involved

Sophie is heavily involved on campus. She’s the president of the Undergraduate Political Science Organization and the public relations office for the Pre-Med Society. She’s also a part of Period, a student organization focused on ending menstrual poverty and stigma, the Pre-Law Association and the Student Government Association. Through these organizations, she’s gained faculty connections and mentors who have been a positive influence in her academic journey like Dr. Mary Mathie, the faculty advisor for the Undergraduate Political Science Association. As Sophie puts it, “Dr. Mary Mathie has been a very big inspiration. She’s always been a push forward in the right direction.”


Getting Inspired

Along with connections, being involved with these organizations has given Sophie more confidence in her pursuit of being a lawyer, and a better idea of what her bold future might look like. Being part of the Pre-Med Association has given Sophie more insight and interest in medical malpractice law. Through the Pre-Law Association, she was able to attend real-life mental health court, and watching the judge work inspired her to continue pursuing her dream. “Being able to experience that made me think: ‘I want to be a lawyer. This is what I want to do,’” she says.

Through her involvement on campus, Sophie is actively working to improve and reach her goal of attending law school and becoming a lawyer. Through UTSA, her bold future is well within sight.


Check out what a day in the life of a Roadrunner can look like!

Spend a day with Sophie as she attends classes, student organization meetings and more!

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