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Event Details

The UTSA Honors College is a diverse family of 2,300+ hardworking, achievement-oriented, conscientious students. Our experiential approach helps students of all majors become leaders, develop as professionals, and intellectually achieve beyond coursework. Our Ambassadors are excited for you to learn the benefits of UTSA’s Honors College, meet and greet Honors faculty and staff, and tour Guadalupe Hall, the newest Honors Residential Hall during this visit.

Location & Parking

UTSA Welcome Center
Bauerle Road Garage (BRG 0.316) first floor
One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX, 78249

Visitor parking is located in the Bauerle Road Garage. Parking is offered at $2.50 per hour. Please note we are not able to provide parking validation. Be sure to bring your parking ticket with you once you exit your vehicle. Payment will be due at one of the university pay stations prior to your departure. For driving directions and to view our excuse letter policy, please visit our Welcome Center page.


Located on the Ground Floor of the Bauerle Road Garage, the UTSA Welcome Center serves as the starting point for your campus experience. We recommend that you check-in at least 15 minutes prior to your tour.

Event Registration

We encourage all students interested in attending UTSA to join a campus visit; however, please note much of the information presented will be targeted for undergraduate prospective students. To sign up, please complete the registration form below.


Mark Sixma