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UTSA is a participating school for the UT Austin Coordinated Admission Program (CAP).

Students who are applying to UT Austin and get offered CAP can select UTSA as their participating university when selection opens up on the student’s UT Austin MyStatus page. Students who choose UTSA will start in the summer and typically take courses in the second summer 5-week term, which starts July 3. However, students may be eligible to take courses in other summer sessions. Please note that UT Austin will only accept approved courses taken at UTSA.

Details related to UTSA’s participation in the UT CAP program are below. If you have any additional questions, please email us at

UT Austin CAP Website

Eligibility to Choose UTSA

  1. Students meet the CAP enrollment requirements at the time they apply to UT Austin.
  2. Students must also submit a $70 application processing fee to UTSA by May 1.
  3. Students will be required to complete online orientation and be Rowdy Ready.
  4. Students must start UTSA in the summer term (June 9 – Aug 6).

Enrollment Requirements

Students who do not meet the qualifications below will not qualify to participate in CAP through UTSA. Appeals for not meeting enrollment requirements will not be considered.

Class Rank
Top Quarter OFFERED
Second Quarter OFFERED
Third Quarter NOT OFFERED
Fourth Quarter NOT OFFERED
Non-Ranking School OFFERED

CAP Application Processing Fee

All CAP applicants are required to pay a $70 application processing fee, including those who have previously applied to UTSA directly and paid the processing fee for that application.

You can pay the fee online using a credit card or e-check through your myUTSA Admissions portal. Fee payments can take 1-2 business days to process.

  1. Log into your myUTSA Admissions portal with your myUTSA ID and Passphrase*
  2. Find your summer application under “My Admission Applications”
  3. Click on the orange button that says “Pay Application Fee”
  4. Select your payment method and follow the instructions
  5. Once you’ve made your payment, press the “Return to myUTSA Admissions” button

Students can also pay by mail via check or money order. If you choose this option, please write your myUTSA ID in the memo section of the check. This payment method may take up to 5 additional business days to process plus the time it takes for the payment to arrive. mail your payment to:
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, Texas 78249-0616

*Before you can access myUTSA Admissions, you must first activate your myUTSA ID. You should have received an email from “” with a link to claim your account. Once you have activated your myUTSA ID and passphrase, you can then log in to your myUTSA Admissions portal.

If you’ve decided to opt-out of the CAP program, please notify UT Austin via your UT Austin’s MyStatus portal.

Your First Year at UTSA

Students who attend UTSA to fulfill their CAP requirements to transfer to UT Austin will have to attend UTSA for summer, fall and spring. Below is what a schedule could look like for a CAP student. CAP students at UTSA must start in the summer and typically take courses in the second summer 5-week term (July 2 – August 6). However, you may be eligible to take other summer session courses, so please meet with your academic advisor for a complete summer course list.

Please note, CAP students must complete at least one mathematics course beyond College Algebra at UTSA, even if they have AP/Dual credit for a higher-level math course. The student’s UTSA academic advisor will guide them through the requirements.

Summer: must take 6 hours
  • Students take two courses (minimum 6 hours – option of up to 7 hours if necessary).
  • While most of the classes for CAP are offered in the last 5-week term (July 2- August 6), you may be eligible to take other summer session courses. Please visit with your academic advisor for a complete summer course list.
  • Online course options may be available. Please note that UT Austin will only accept approved courses taken at UTSA.
  • On campus housing is available for those with exceptional need. Contact Housing and Residence Life for more information.
  • Financial aid is available (submit 2024-2025 FAFSA).
Fall: must take 9 hours
  • Students take 3 courses (minimum of 9 hours – option of up to 11 hours if necessary).
  • On-campus housing is available.
  • Financial aid is available (submit 2025-2026 FAFSA).
Spring: must take 15 hours
  • Students take 5 courses (15 hours).
  • Last semester to fulfill UT Austin’s CAP requirements.
  • UTSA will submit a final, official transcript detailing your work at UTSA to UT Austin by June 1. Successful CAP students will be transferred into UT Austin’s College of Liberal Arts.

Frequently Asked Questions

CAP Application Questions

Once you select UTSA as your school, you will need to pay a $70 application fee to UTSA by May 1 to process your admission. We recommend paying your fee quickly to secure your spot at UTSA as space is limited.

No, you don’t. If you complete and submit the online CAP agreement, UT Austin will send the application materials to UTSA. You will need to submit a final high school transcript to UTSA showing your graduation date.

Yes. The CAP application process is completely separate from the UTSA application process. Sometimes, we have students accepted through CAP who decide to attend as a UTSA RoadRunner instead of through CAP. In addition, Admission into UTSA does not guarantee admission into the UTSA CAP program. There are two pathways to entry.

The process for Roadrunners with financial need differs from the CAP process. All CAP students must pay a CAP application fee in order to gain admission into the UTSA CAP program.

Unfortunately, we cannot complete your CAP application until you submit the CAP application fee.

No, to participate in CAP a student must have applied to UT Austin, been offered participation in CAP and they must complete and submit the online CAP agreement.

There is no waitlist. If you were not able to submit to UTSA, you can choose another participating CAP school or apply as a non-CAP student to UTSA. UTSA has a limited amount of spots available for eligible CAP students. UTSA accepts agreements on a first-come, first-served basis. Once UTSA has received the agreements to reach the limit, the ability to submit the CAP agreement is closed. If you are interested in attending UTSA as a non-CAP student, you can do so by submitting an application for admission and supporting documents before the freshman deadline of June 1.

Financial Aid Questions

Yes, it is. You will have to go online to and submit a FAFSA for 2024-2025 aid year. UTSA’s school code is 010115. The deadline to complete this is June 30, 2025. You will be eligible for federal aid based on your Student Aid Report.

Depending on the type of aid you receive, the amounts may differ by only a fraction. Enrollment hours typically affect grant money by prorating it to the portion of hours enrolled, meaning if you are enrolled part-time in 9 hours you will receive three-quarters of your grant. As for your loan awards, those do not get affected by being less than full-time. Which allows you to receive the full amount awarded. For more information, click here.

Your federal aid will remain the same, which means you will still be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant, if you meet requirements, and Federal Stafford Loans as a CAP student. However, if you were a recipient of a Distinguished Presidential Scholarship, these are only for students who will pursue their degree at UTSA.

Please contact UTSA One Stop

Orientation & Enrollment/Course Questions

Once admitted, and the Orientation Reservation System is open, you will receive an email to remind you to sign up for either Online Orientation ONLY or Online Orientation + New Student Orientation (NSO). Both your CAP agreement and application fee must have been processed in order for you to have access to the orientation reservation system. You can sign up for orientation by viewing your Rowdy Ready checklist on your myUTSA Admissions portal. Please note that the orientation fee will be due at the time of sign up and is non-refundable. For questions or more information about new student orientation contact or (210) 458-4724.

In order to come to UTSA as a UT CAP student, your first semester must be Summer 2025. Online course options may be available. Classes for the second summer 5-week session start on July 2 and classes in the second summer 4-week session start on July 9. Please note that UT Austin will only accept coursework listed on the online list of approved courses taken at UTSA.

Any hours taken outside of UTSA will not be counted towards your 30 hours needed for CAP. The 30 hours all need to be taken at UTSA.

UT Austin maintains an online list of approved courses for CAP students. All of the courses on this list have been approved by UT Austin and are recognized transferable credits to UT Austin. Advance Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and dual credits may be transferable to UT Austin and applicable to your intended major there, upon successfully transferring to UT Austin.

Housing is available for those with exceptional need. We recommend contacting Housing and Residence Life for more information.

Each college-level course is valued by a certain number of credit hours. The credit hours that are accepted by other universities are known as transferable credits. Applying transferable credits to CAP, all of the courses on the designated CAP list have been approved by UT Austin and are guaranteed as recognized transfer credits to UT Austin. Please note that CAP requires a minimum of a “C-”, in order for UT Austin to accept the course as transferable credits.

No, all CAP participants must abide by the participating university. This includes following any prerequisites.

Though Advance Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and dual credits may be applicable to your intended UT Austin major, upon successfully transferring to UT Austin, they cannot be applied toward the required 30 credit hours. CAP requires that during a CAP year, participants must successfully complete courses that total 30 transferable credit hours, from the approved CAP course list, at the participating university. You should always consult with an academic advisor at your participating CAP university before making a final decision about which courses to take.

Please note that per the CAP agreement, your UTSA advisor is responsible to advises on the approved list of courses. They do not advise on UT Austin majors. All questions related to UT Austin majors should be directed to UT Austin.

Some courses must be successfully completed before other classes can be taken. The former are referred to as prerequisites. The approved CAP list has classes that are prerequisites to course required for intended UT Austin majors. Participants are encouraged to identify these classes and confirm with their UTSA advisor if they are eligible to take. Please note that per the CAP agreement, your UTSA advisor is responsible to advises on the approved list of courses. They do not advise on UT Austin majors. All questions related to UT Austin majors should be directed to UT Austin. While some courses serve as prerequisites, other classes within the CAP list require prerequisites before being taken. All UTSA students, including CAP participants, must successfully complete the needed prerequisite(s) in order to enroll in these course(s).

The CAP agreement specifies that participants should not take college-level courses immediately preceding their CAP year, because doing so may cause disqualification from CAP. (This excludes any already completed AP, IB, or dual credits.)

For example, if a CAP year begins Fall 2024, participants should not take college-level courses at any community college or other universities during Summer 2024 except at their selected participating CAP university. Participants may take college-level courses in the summer immediately after the CAP year, but any hours taken will not count toward the 30 CAP hours.

Although CAP students are not required to take AIS 1203, they are encouraged to take this academic inquiry course within their first year. This class is in the CAP list of approved courses and may be able to satisfy the signature course required at UT Austin. This also means that AIS 1203 will transfer to UT Austin and will be applied toward the required 30 credit hours. More information about the actual course can be given during the participants’ orientation.

Mark Sixma