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Knowing how much it will cost to attend college is important for making an informed decision. UTSA is dedicated to helping you know the true cost of attending along with providing financial resources to assist you in achieving your educational goals.

Without a doubt, the best first step is to apply for financial aid and apply early.

Transfer Financial Aid & Scholarship Deadlines*
Distinguished Transfer Scholarship, Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship, Joint Admissions Scholarship Deadlines Fall: May 1 Spring: October 15
General Scholarship Priority Deadline Fall: January 15 Spring: n/a
Financial Aid Priority Deadline Fall: May 1 Spring: November 1

*Note: Students must be admitted by the applicable deadline in order to be considered for financial aid and scholarships.

Students applying for financial aid for Spring 2025 or Summer 2025 can find more information about the 2024-2025 FAFSA changes at

Cost of Attendance

UTSA determines a cost of attendance (COA) each year, which includes not only your tuition and fees, but an estimated average of additional costs that cover most expenses students will incur while attending UTSA. UTSA bases your financial aid on the COA, although the actual cost of attending UTSA will vary depending on your living arrangements and personal spending habits. For additional information on the cost of attendance, visit

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance

The costs below reflect the status of a full-time undergraduate student enrolled for both the fall and spring semesters (based on 15 hours – 5 classes – per term).

Living at Home w/Parents Living Off Campus Living On Campus
Tuition & Fees* $11,448 $11,448 $11,448
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Housing (average) $2,880 $8,109 $9,328
Meals (average) $2,763 $4,168 $5,584
Transportation (average) $3,216 $3,990 $774
Personal/Miscellaneous $1,539 $2,133 $2,160
Loan Fees** $68 $68 $68
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance $22,914 $30,916 $30,362
*Full Time Undergraduate non-resident student tuition & fees = $27,748. All other charges remain the same.

**This is the average amount of loan origination fees withheld by Federal Direct Lending if a student chooses to borrow Direct Student Loans.

Understanding Your Costs

Tuition & Fees: The average cost of tuition and fees for a typical undergraduate student based on full-time or part-time enrollment.  Full-time undergraduate = 30 hours per year; part-time undergraduate = 18 hours per year; full-time graduate = 18 hours per year; part-time graduate = 12 hours per year. More detailed information on UTSA’s tuition and fees can be found on the fiscal services webpage.

Housing & Meals: A reasonable estimate of what it would cost to live in San Antonio while attending school. Actual costs may vary by individual choices related to location and circumstances. Average costs are calculated based on whether you are living on campus, off campus or at home with your parents.

Books & Supplies: The average cost of books and supplies for a typical student for an entire academic year.

Transportation: Average transportation expenses for at home students and off-campus students are based on an average 30 mile round trip to campus.  Average transportation expenses for on campus students are based on a VIA bus pass and two trips home per year.

Miscellaneous: Average expenses are calculated based on potential expenses that you may incur based on whether you are living on campus, off campus or at home with your parents.

Financial Aid

UTSA offers a variety of financial aid that spans from grants, scholarships, work study, and loans. You must be admitted to UTSA and have a financial aid application on file in order to be offered financial aid. First-time students will be emailed and sent a paper award offer in the mail once awarded. To know what you qualify for in financial aid, you must submit a FAFSA to UTSA. Submit your FAFSA before the financial aid priority deadline to maximize your opportunity for grants. (Read: free money!)


For U.S. Citizens, we use the The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, as our financial aid application. We use the information you submit to determine your eligibility for grants, scholarships, loans and work-study options. You can begin filling out the FAFSA on October 1. UTSA’s FAFSA code is 010115.

Submit your FAFSA


If you are a non-citizen, you may be eligible to be classified as a Texas resident for tuition purposes. If so, you may also be eligible to receive state financial aid by applying for the Texas Application for State Financial Aid, or TASFA.

Submit your TASFA

After you Submit FAFSA/TASFA

Once you submit your FAFSA and TASAFA, UTSA will be able to download your file. Once loaded, there will be financial aid requirements you must complete each year. These are called “outstanding requirements” which can be found on your myUTSA Account by going to “App Financial Aid” button under the Quick Launch card. Note: You will be prompted to authenticate yourself through your DUO account when trying to access information after this point. Don’t have a DUO account? Click here to learn how to set it up. Once in, select the applicable Aid Year at the top right corner on the “Home” tab under the “Student Requirements” section. You will see any outstanding requirements listed under “Unsatisfied Requirements.” Pro-tip: Be sure to submit your paperwork as quickly as possible for processing. You should also check your email regularly as you will be notified if anything is outstanding.

Understanding Your Offer Accepting Your Aid Other Aid Options


If you opt out of applying for federal or state financial aid (although our recommendation is that you still should, it’s free!), you should still submit a general scholarship application. Several scholarships factor in academics, not just financial needs.

Distinguished Transfer Scholarship

Admitted transfer students transferring at least 24 credit hours and a 3.8 transfer GPA at the time of admission will be given automatic consideration for the Distinguished Transfer Scholarship (DTS) for $3,000 ($1,500 per semester) based on academic merit.

Distinguished Transfer Scholarship

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

Fall and spring transfers who are members of Phi Theta Kappa, who have a 3.0 GPA can apply for the UTSA Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship of $1,000 ($500 per semester). Funding for this scholarship is limited, so awards are offered on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is exhausted. Students are awarded for four consecutive semesters, not including summer as long as renewal criteria (full-time enrollment and a 3.0 UTSA GPA or higher) is met.

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

Joint Admission Scholarship

Fall and spring students transferring 24-66 semester credits from one of the five Alamo Colleges who have a 3.0 GPA will be automatically for a Joint Admission scholarship ($1,000 for fall admits and $500 for spring admits). Funding for this scholarship is limited, so awards are offered first-come, first-served, based on student eligibility and earliest date of admission to the university, until funding is exhausted. Note: This is a non-renewable scholarship.

How to Apply
There is no application for the Joint Admissions Scholarship. Applicants must be fully admitted to the university by the submission deadline and meet the following criteria below:

  • Must transfer to UTSA from one of the five Alamo Colleges
  • Transfer 24-66 semester credits of academic coursework (dual credit and work in progress not included); all coursework must be from Alamo Colleges
  • Apply and be admitted by the application deadline
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on all college-level coursework attempted and be in good academic standing
  • Must be enrolled full-time during the fall and spring semesters at UTSA
  • Demonstrate financial need by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

UTSA General Scholarship Application

UTSA offers many general scholarships through the UTSA Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, which vary in eligibility requirements and award amounts. These scholarships are funded by donors and endowments and can vary from year to year. As an incoming student, you must submit the Scholarship Hub’s General Application on the UTSA Scholarship Hub.

Scholarship Hub’s General Application

Other UTSA Scholarships

UTSA colleges and departments offer scholarships for students who have declared majors and degrees in their area. Please visit the UTSA Scholarship Hub to access the applications offered by the various UTSA colleges and departments.

Scholarship HUB

Outside Scholarships

Outside scholarships are available to students from various donors outside of the University of Texas at San Antonio (such as scholarship organizations, foundations and businesses). The vast majority of these scholarships can be found by using online scholarship search engines.

Outside Scholarships

Military Benefits

Military benefits help qualifying veterans and their family members get money to cover some or all of the costs for school. We encourage all military affiliated students to see if they are eligible for federal or state military benefits to assist with their education.

Federal VA Benefits TX Hazlewood

Net Price Calculator

UTSA’s Net Price Calculator is designed to help current and prospective students, their families and other consumers estimate the net price of a given higher education institution. It will calculate a potential financial aid offer that includes scholarships, grants, loans and work study eligibility.

Mark Sixma