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We want you to be as prepared for your academics. Our colleges have found there are certain requirements that indicate success and preparedness for specific majors. Therefore, several majors at UTSA have additional admission requirements in order for students to be admitted directly into a college and major.

If you do not meet the stated requirements initially but meet UTSA’s general admission requirements, then you will be admitted into UTSA’s University College in an “academic studies” program based upon the major you applied for. These “academic studies” offer prerequisite coursework and core classes appropriate for your intended major and are built specifically to prepare you for success in that major. Students are then able to move into their major and college upon successful completion of these courses.

Majors with Additional Requirements

Details related to the admission requirements can be found on each program page.

College Major
Alvarez College of Business
Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
College for Health, Community and Policy
College of Liberal and Fine Arts
College of Sciences

Frequently Asked Questions

An “academic studies” program is based on the major that you applied for, but it also includes several other similar majors. For example, there are 10 majors grouped under the Business Academic Studies: actuarial science, accounting, cyber security, economics, finance, information systems, management science, management, marketing, and real estate finance and development. For these “academic studies,” the courses you need to take in your first year at UTSA are common to all the majors in that program. This allows you to take the appropriate courses to work toward your degree and be grouped with other students who have similar academic interests to yours.

University College is one of UTSA’s nine colleges and its mission is devoted exclusively to undergraduate students and their success. University College collaborates with other colleges, departments, and offices throughout the university that are focused on helping you achieve academic excellence — no matter what your major is. University College also houses the Multidisciplinary Studies major.

Some of the academic programs at UTSA have specific requirements to be admitted directly into the program. These requirements are in place to ensure you are successful when you do enter the program.

Your academic advisor will be able to tell you what is needed to move from the academic studies program to your intended major/degree. In most cases, these are a set of courses that you need to complete within your first two or three semesters at UTSA. Once these are completed, you will be automatically moved into your major/degree.

You will have the opportunity to change your major during your orientation academic advising appointment, if you’re able to meet the requirements for the major.

Mark Sixma